Here you'll see some pictures of just the best of what I got in my game collection.

As you can see I got a real Super Famicom system. However, momentarily after taking
this picture, I forgot I had "Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension" and forgot to add it to the picture.

2 of my greatest imports ever. Rockman and Forte/Mega Man & Bass (Super Famicom)
and Akumajou Dorakyura X: Chi no Rondo/Demon Castle Dracula X: Rondo of Blood (PC Engine Super CD ROM 2). Sadly 3 days before
my Dracula X came, my PC Engine Duo system broke. However, I can play it on my XBox. But I still want another Duo or at least
a PC Engine basic white system and a CD-ROM attachment and System 3 card.

This is my Playstation 2 system. Has the flip top shell that can allow boot discs
to play backups or imports. I was laughing alot when my brother saw me turn it on, and he said "damn! that's the
biggest pager I've ever seen in my life!". I got my system like this so I could play "Guilty Gear XX #Reload". This
pic was taken at a recent tournament in Richmond by some guy that randomly pulled a paparazzi on it. Luckily, I caught up
with the dude recently.

My Castlevania stuff. Been very big on the Castlevania series. Ever since I got
Dracula X: Rondo of Blood, things have fallen in place for me after that. The piece of paper, puts emphasis on how bad I want
"Akumajou Dracula XX" for my Super Famicom(Japanese version of Castlevania: Dracula X for Super NES). It's tough as hell
I tell ya. I've made 11 failed attempts on ebay at getting that game.
And as a side note, I forgot to add Castlevania: Bloodlines (Sega Genesis) and Castlevania 64 (N64)
into the picture.

My 8-bit NES collection. Big isn't it? It's rather old, but it doesn't look any
The only difference is I moved all the Famicom stuff on another shelf. I got a shelf exclusively for
my Japanese games.